Wednesday, October 24, 2007


《明報》報道,自1970 年中國發射第一顆地球衛星「東方紅一號」至今,中國等了整整37 年,昨日6 時05 分終於成功發射了第一顆自行研製的探月衛星「嫦娥一號」。「嫦娥一號」成功升空,踏上14日征途,現繞地球運轉,經過4次變軌,才進入月球軌道。
Funding to aerospace project is very controversial. Some people think aerospace development is just another way to enlarge its countries' political power. They raised up an issue that the government should distribute fundings to the poverty instead. I never did any study regarding aerospace or politics, I know China still catching up the aerospace technology with United States, but I am proud of China's work no matter what.

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