Wednesday, July 29, 2009



Monday, July 27, 2009

Table manner

看看小小雲用膳的table manner,她將來怎會是淑女呢?

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Garlic Festival 2009


Dancing with Anson @ Garlic Festival

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Dad called this afternoon saying grandma got hit by a car when she crossed the road. I was devastated, even when dad told me she's fine. I rushed to get Haley in the car, luckily mom got off work so I can leave Haley at her house. I went in ER and found grandma sitting on the bed and waiting in the hallway. She looked ok, yet exhausted. Doctor came by after reviewing her X-rays, he said that there is no major injury, but some fracture on the left foot and cuts on her left albow. After 4 hours in ER, the doctor discharged her. Give thanks to God that grandma is ok.

It's my first time being away from Haley for this long. While waiting in ER, my mind was thinking about Haley all the time. Is she ok with grandma? Is she crying? Is she playing with her toys? Is she eating her meal? Although we are not allow to talk on the cell phone in ER, I still sneaked to make couple calls to check on Haley. Mom said she's doing fine, behaving very well. My lovable mush mush... I miss her so much!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Saturday, July 18, 2009




Friday, July 17, 2009

Haley with legwarmer!

SB572法案 -- 定5/22為Harvey Milk Day

最近加州參議院擬通過SB572法案:定5/22Harvey Milk Day,所有公立學校必須舉行活動,紀念同性戀推動者Harvey Milk的生日,並教導孩子們他倡導同性戀的事蹟。


1 (English)
2 (legislation)
1 (SB572法案)
2 (against)



Thursday, July 16, 2009

Wednesday, July 15, 2009




Tuesday, July 14, 2009


小小雲唔識食奶樽係事實。餵人奶係比較黐身,加上四隻牙仔真利害,媽媽好痛呀!小小雲而家成日都唔小心咬到媽媽,每次食完重留低兩個牙印比我忝!媽媽好慘呀!佢其實心情好果時,係可以用杯杯飲加!但係佢唔鍾意果陣就點都唔開口。唉!唯有慢慢教小小雲咁咬媽媽係唔得啦!希望你快D學識用sippy cup就好啦!

Monday, July 13, 2009

She doesn't like me

Can you keep a smile and be cheerful when you have to wait 45 minutes every time for somebody to show up? Hell no! If I have a choice, I would rather not to see them at all. We can communicate in many other different ways, like emails or phone calls, and then maybe I can keep my cool. Parents complain that I’m an impatient and unpredictable person who chooses to speak out from my anger. It’s like I am the one who ruin the gathering, so I always choose to walk out so they can have the happiest family time together. Why can’t they understand why I would be mad? I wake up and prepare early so I can be on time. My time is precious too! Why can’t you appreciate my effort and how come it has to be so unfair?

The kid didn’t do anything wrong, and it’s not his decision to be late every time. He may think that I don’t like him, because he has to see my mad face every time he sees me. I’m really sorry I have to be an angry aunt in his world. I promise I will try to show my love more to you, even when I am pissed at your parents. Kid is innocent!

Think before you buy, PLEASE!

Would you spend $1,500 on a 2-year contract of something you don’t really need? Yea, it’s not a significant amount if you break it down to a monthly spending, yet do you really use the extra service that you sign up for? I consider this is a waste of money! Yea, I guess I am not the one who pays for it; it shouldn’t be my business at all. However, I just can’t get over with this stupid decision that happens in my family. It just bothers me so much that I lose sleep over with it. Maybe it just bugs me when that’s totally against my principle of money management. Or I guess some people just don’t learn from previous mistake. Oh well, everything is set and I need to learn to accept and forget. I just hope that I don’t need to hear complaints of having to pay big bill later on.

Saturday, July 11, 2009



Friday, July 10, 2009

書是用來--( )

小小雲話:書係用嚟咬嘅!媽媽話NO NO嘅時候,睇吓小小嗰個怨枉樣。

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Solomon So is born!

Praise the Lord! Solomon So was born full term at 38.5 weeks. Mommy Sindy and baby Solomon is doing great at home.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Alameda County Fair




Sunday, July 5, 2009

Reno/Lake Tahoe之旅




我們去了Lake Tahoe的Commons Beach,灘邊佈滿來觀看煙火的人潮,氣氛十足。當煙火在天空盛況的時候,小小雲看得目定口呆。煙火的倒影映在湖面上是多麽美!

Saturday, July 4, 2009





Friday, July 3, 2009

My baby is a girl!


Thursday, July 2, 2009