On February 18, I brought Haley to have dim sum with grandma and dad @ Peony. In the middle of meal, we looked at grandma and her food was falling out from her mouth. We asked her what's happening, and she was only able mumble and her left arm was not able to move. I ran over to her doctor, and the nurse told me to call 911 right away. Within minutes, the paramedic and ambulance were there and took grandma to the nearby hospital. I packed everything right away and followed to the hospital. Haley didn’t panic and behave very well. I called Owen so he could come take Haley home while I stay with grandma at the ER. Doctors examined her and completed all the tests; they diagnosed grandma has a TIA, which also called a mini stroke. TIA usually leaves no long term brain damage, however grandma’s blood pressure was at 199 and up (normal 120), so they decided to admit grandma to the hospital for monitoring. Grandma was conscious the whole time, she was able to speak and she could lift her left arm by the time she settled at the ER. For seven hours of wait, she finally got transferred to a private room at 9:30pm. Mom and Dad came to visit and I decided to stay over night with grandma at the hospital.
That was the first night which Haley went to bed without mom around. According to Owen, Haley behaved really well, she cried a bit and tried to look for mommy. I missed her so much that I cried a few times when I thought of her at the hospital. It was such a long night being away from my baby and with nurses coming in & out to check on grandma. The neurologist, physical therapist, speech therapist, and cardiologist came by in the morning to examine her. There were more exams to be made in the next day. Dad came to take over and I got to go home to Haley. Owen told me that Haley cried when she didn’t see mommy after she woke up. However she calmed down after he offered her milk and breakfast. She was napping by the time I got home around noon time. I ran into her room as soon as I heard noise from her room. Haley saw mom walked in, she stood up with a big smile on her face and she called Mama Mama! My heart melted and I held her so tight and told her how much I missed her.
I went back to the hospital at night to stay with grandma for another night. Grandma is recovering slowly. She speaks clearly, and she regained some strength on her left arm already. She was able to get off bed and walk to the bathroom with nurse’s assistance. I was so reluctant to leave Haley for another night, but I got to be there for grandma too. Lucky that Owen arranged to work from home on the next day so he could take care of Haley while I was away. I explained to grandma that I won’t be able to stay every night at the hospital because I need to take care of Haley when Owen’s at work, yet one of us will be there to visit her during the day.
The doctor ordered more therapies for her during the day, and grandma is in a very good progress. They wanted to discharge her from the hospital as soon as her blood pressure stabilized. I have spoken with the social worker and we chose a skilled nursing facility near dad’s home for grandma during the rehab period. Grandma got transferred to this location last night. We had a quick tour at the location the night before and it looks good. The people there were nice to help us as well. She shares room with two other old ladies and she looks comfortable being there. The timeframe is 2-3 weeks for grandma to stay there for therapy. I will talk to the therapist tomorrow to get a better idea of grandma’s recovered progress.
Give thanks to God for his healing power!