Thursday, May 27, 2010

17-weeks with 細細O

My below belly area began to have cramping in the morning. It got worst as the day go by, and it hurt so much that I couldn't sleep at night. The cramping was mainly on the right side pelvis area and it extended to my lower back. Since I still could feel the baby's movement, I waited till the next morning to call the nurse advice hot line. After describing my symptoms to the nurse, she suggested I went in for a well check. OB examined me and we listened to baby's heart beat. I wasn't dilated and all signs showed baby is fine. They collected my urine sample to make sure there was no infection in my bladder, and the result was normal. OB thinks that I must have overworked and I need to rest. OK... now I have an order from the doctor that I can just sit on my butt!!! The cramping went away after couple days of rest. As long as the baby is growing healthy, mommy can bare the little pain. I have to praise Haley(the big sister) for being such a good girl to stay home with mommy in the last couple days.

1 comment:

ah tah said...

Good to know that everything is fine. Take care sis. Haley sure is a sweet heart!