Wednesday, May 18, 2011

View the role of mom as the discipleship of the Lord

“Listen!”, “How many times I have told you?”, “No, don’t do it!” We, as parents want the best for our kids. We provide for them, love them with all our hearts, and we want to protect them from any possible failure. Sometimes I know I expect too much out of my two-year-old Haley. I get frustrated, exhausted and many times mad at her when she doesn’t behave certain ways or cross the limits. Our heavenly Father loves us so much as the scripture says in Roman 5:8 “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” He didn’t love us because we are lovable. He still loves us when we repeatedly rebel on Him. He never gives up on us, and He forgives over and over again. My human love will be no comparison to God’s love. When I put more thoughts in it, I am the same way just like Haley. God actually speaks to us the same way how we speak to our kids, but we are so hardheaded. Actually I’m even worst because she is in the developmental stage that she will test the limits and gain independence, not necessary to go against my way on purpose. However, I have lived long enough to know what should be done, or not done, what should be said or not said. God sent her as a little angel to my life. She is so precious that she will not dwell on the mean things that mom had said or done to her. She will not be mad and ignore me but still hunger for my kisses and hugs. In contrast, I sometimes can’t let go of those angry moments. I feel so helpless so I just keep confessing to God and ask him for help. May my love to my kids be unconditional, love them for who they are, not what they do, or how they act.

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