I brought Chester with me to volunteer at Haley's preschool while Haley attending VBS at church. At this age, his attention span is relatively short. Chester is on and off on the activity stations. There were only 6 students during the summer session. Chester is the youngest and the only boy. The older girls are very interested in playing with Chester.
He loves building the blocks and knocking them down.
Chester is holding hand in hand with one of the girls to walk to the playground.
The girls include Chester in their sand playing games, and pretend to sell ice cream.
Chester is lining up to wash his hands before snack.
Everyone is so curious with Chester's presence.
He loves to read books too.
He joins the girls in playing with animal figures.
He gives a high five to the gorilla.
He is pretty clueless during circle time as Ms. Chen was teaching Mandarin, but at least he stays in the circle.
That's it for the day. He had fun and we are on our way to pick Haley up from VBS