Sunday, July 29, 2012

VBS - National Park

We learned the five true natures of God in this week's VBS: True peace, true riches, true power, true love and true hope.  God will give us these true natures if we choose to believe in Him.  There are 205 children from preschool to junior high in this week's VBS.  I volunteered in Haley's preschool class.  Our group name is Scampering Squirrels.
 Daily opening ceremony with songs and skit.
 Chester stayed in nursery during the 3.5 hours VBS everyday for 5 days.
 Enjoying his snack while watching the older kids played.  Thanks to grandma for tailoring the VBS t-shirt to fit Chester.
  Working on one of the class projects.
 Playground time.  Haley received many compliments from the reconstruction of her t-shirt.
 Snack time.
Chester loves sweets.
Enjoying their cupcakes at the volunteer appreciation lunch on Friday.
The children performed some of the songs they learned throughout the week on the Sunday finale.

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