Sunday, August 26, 2007


September doesn’t have the same meaning to us like it used to be when we were still in school. However, we still want to party in the last weekend in August. We had potluck @ Emily & Vho’s on Saturday night. 16 of us, and everyone brought something to the table. We had plenty of food. The eating took place from 6:30pm to 2am, non-stop. Yum! Yum!
Ah Shan - our Wii baseball 臺主. Marvin, Owen, Albert & Vincent were in line to challenge him. Unfortunately, only Vincent can win over the title. Stella, Patrick, Christina and Kristi participated in the first 4 round of MJ 友誼賽 and Emily, Owen, Shan & Tina followed with the real 血戰.
The rest of us decided to play an old game, Pictionary. Team #1: Albert, Vincent, Kristi, Stella and Neslie and Team #2: Patrick, Samsam, Chrisee, Marvin, Alex and myself. We had a blast during the game. I still can't understand how Vincent can come up with the answer "Sleepless in Seattle" when all I drew was a cross on three zzz. Afterall, we learned the #1 訣竅 in this game is “the louder you get, the more chance you can win”.
My biggest 收獲 was to download the Hong Kong theme photos into my phone as wallpaper from Ah Shan. Oh! Now I have something to comfort myself in the middle of the night when I can’t sleep.

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