Friday, August 3, 2007

The storm is not going away anytime soon!

Since the end of 2006, so many people in the lending industry have gone out of business. Even the corporations like New Century, Fremont Investment, Own It, People's Choice, and most recent American Broker Conduit have closed their door. The atmosphere in the industry is pretty dead. Value is dropping, lenders tighten up guidelines, and investors pull out their funds. Subprime lending is over in these days. It's been a dramatic week in the industry this week. Many lenders are removing the Alt-A products as well and the remaining players have made significant rate increases.
Meetings after meetings, we came up with different strategies and marketing plans. I hate to give up and dissolve what we have built in the last couple years. Yet, all the experts are predicting this period will last at least 18 months. I know we should think positive, but we also need to be realistic. In this market, I can't help not to be in fear and panic if I can sustain.

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