Wednesday, April 7, 2010


It's been a long wait to finally get to meet you today. Mommy, Daddy and your big sister were all here. Haley got grouchy as soon as she saw the nurse coming in the room, so I explained to her that this visit was not for her, but for mommy. She began to cry when she saw the nurse getting mommy's blood pressure. Wow! I was surprised that Haley actually worried about mommy too. I felt that our heart are linked (心連心). I kept telling her that the nurse was not hurting mom, and mommy was smiling the whole time so Haley learned that mommy's not in pain.

The OB examined me and she decided to do an ultrasound as she thought my belly is pretty big. Owen and I were in a long silence when she said she had to double check that there's only one baby in me. Both of us got relieved after she confirmed that it's no twins. 細細O looked so big in the monitor, and we can already see the legs. We also got to hear the heart is such an amazing feeling...and reminded how excited we were the first time we heard that "choo choo" train sound of Haley's heart beat.

I explained to Haley that she's looking at her younger siblings...of course she doesn't quite get the idea, but she was well behaved through the whole visit (thanks to all the yummy snack to keep her busy).

We will be back in a month to check on 細細O again. Meanwhile, enjoy being in mommy's belly... listening to mommy, daddy, sister's voice everyday in our daily life.

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