Saturday, October 30, 2010

Haley meeting her lil brother for the first time!

Owen went home and brought BIG sister, Haley to meet her little brother Chester for the first time. Haley fell asleep on her way to the hospital. She woke up from her nap and saw Mommy on her hospital bed, and Chester in his crib. She didn't react much as we introduce Chester to her, probably because she's still not completely awake yet. She wanted to sit in the bed with me, and I hugged her, gave her a big kiss, and told her how much I missed her. She sat next to me silently until daddy brought out the gifts that we bought for 細細O to give to her. The gifts include an Elmo drawing book, a couple Dora toothbrushes, and a Dora puzzle. Haley loves them all, and she wants to kiss and hug her little brother to say thanks. Once she get close to Chester, she couldn't get her hands off him. She kept saying, "細佬,唔係打(距)", "唔係(獨)眼仔". She wants to hold him, kiss him, and smell him.
I wish Haley and Chester will enjoy each other's company for the rest of their lives.Our first family of 4 photo

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