Friday, July 22, 2011

Haley is growing up...

Haley is getting more independent in many ways. She can take care of herself like dressing/undressing, brushing her teeth and going to potty. She always says, 比我試吓,我得架! We also assign her duties like setting up the table for dinner, cleaning up her toys and turning on the washing machine. She wants to be a big girl and sometimes she told mommy, Haley大個女,我識架,唔使幫.
However, Haley begins to get jealous of Chester and demands for mommy's attention. She sometimes will ask to be carried to go up & down stairs, request to be fed and demand to sit in the highchair. If I said to Chester to give mommy a kiss, she will run to me and be the first to kiss me. When I play with him, she will make sure she's involved as well. When I hug Chester, she will try to get between us. She sometimes take her frustration out at Chester, she will tackle him, push him or even step on him. After explaining to her many times not to do that to Chester, yet she continue to do it, I will just ignore her or give her time-out. I hope she wouldn't feel that mommy chooses Chester over her. I want her to know mommy loves both of them. I know it's only a transition period and hopefully Haley will soon get over with it.

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