Saturday, April 28, 2012

Nap time battle

Once again, I gave up on the battle of asking Haley to nap.  I know she still needs the nap in the middle of the day to recharge. She will definitely fall asleep if we are in the car at around 3pm, but it's just too much conflict and drama to make her stay in her bed when we are at home.  If she naps, she will go to bed around 10-10:30 at night.  If not, she can easily fall asleep at around 9-9:30.  It's a challenge to deal with her tantrum during meal time because she is already exhausted.  For her not napping, I lose my only private time I have in a day.  Since Chester needs to nap in the afternoon, I have to keep Haley busy in some quiet activities.  We now spend that 45 minutes to an hour to do her preschool workbooks, coloring, or crafting.  I get very frustrated when she is just goofing off and not listening to instructions while working on her workbooks.  I need extra patience, I need more love, I need endless consideration so I won't scared her off from learning.

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