Sunday, March 13, 2011

Finding preschool for Haley

Despite how much I want to keep Haley at home with me, it's finally time to start looking for a preschool for Haley in the coming September. This is not an easy task at all, going to the preschool faire, searching online, reading parents' reviews and school visits. We plan to send her to school two days a week at the beginning. Choosing between private or community, faith-based or not, Montessori or other learning method... so many choices to make. Owen and I have decided for Haley not to stress on academic but focus on personality development. The most important for her early years of schooling should be being happy and fun to learn. After speaking to couple teachers, Haley is advance in some areas such as letter recognition. We never worried about her ability to learn, but we would like her to be more outgoing. At her age, it is normal that she does parallel play with other kids, however, we want to make sure she learns the skills to communicate with others.

Due to the recent educational policy changes, the new cutoff date for preschooler to enter kindergarten may change to November 1 next year, Haley will have to stay one more year before she can attend kindergarten. This means she will attend kindergarten at age 6. Owen mainly relies on my decision on this as most school visits are done during weekdays when he's at work. I tried to sum up the pros and cons on each school so I can get him involved as much as he can. Of course I have also taken the cost into consideration, but Owen has assured me that it is not an issue and try to select a good match for Haley. I prayed to God for His guidance in making this important decision. As the bible says God counts the number of hair on our heads (Luke 12:6-7). That is the level of attention He will pay to. He will make sure every details in our lives are well taken of! He knows what's the best for us.

1 comment:

ah tah said...

Very touching and sweet!!!