Monday, December 31, 2007


如果想2008年就搬返香港係妄想嘅話, 咁我希望...
生活上: 新一年可以工作上堂兩樣兼顧,新工作可以一切順利。
靈性上: 繼續追求神,更加認識祂和信靠祂。學習凡事謝恩。
關係上: 希望學習體恤別人, 改改脾氣...令身邊人容易招架。

Sunday, December 30, 2007


因為里一兩年來睇左太多台灣偶像劇啦!我對台灣特別有好感。一場去到一定逛逛D台劇景點啦!喺"惡魔在身邊"嘅新光三越, 嘻嘻! 可惜可惜我missed咗"王子變青蛙"入面佢地第一次跳華爾茲嗰間Club呀!

台北與香港---我當然選擇香港;台北與美國---不計政治氣候和工作發展機會, 台北也是一個好地方。我諗我已經被那些偶像劇薰陶不小了!

Saturday, December 29, 2007


九折唔買, ハ折唔買, 七折唔買, 五折...五折...終於無可抗拒。兩折? Oh my...盡地一鋪,買呀!

Friday, December 28, 2007


吃不盡的台灣小食。甜的,辣的,鹹的,酸的,臭的,樣樣令你齒甲留香,回味無窮。士林夜市, 九份特色...真是令人念念不忘! 四天內完全沒有感覺到什麼是..."餓"。

Thursday, December 27, 2007


團友ハ人行: 瞓覺大過天嘅Vincent & Emily, 夜蒲到天光嘅Francis & Esther, 食極唔飽嘅Gilbert & Amy, 想停住每分每秒喺亞洲嘅我同Owen.


Wednesday, December 26, 2007


終於買咗個手寫版啦! 我同Owen一齊試機. 以下就係我地嘅心聲:
Owen: 趙子揚和潘惠賢是對好夫妻
Me: 我愛香港, 我要搬返嚟
Owen: 真係比佢激死!
Owen: 禀夫人, 小人本住在蘇洲既城邊, 家中有屋又有田, 生活樂無邊,
Me: 彈開呀! 九唔搭八!

Monday, December 24, 2007




Friday, December 21, 2007



睇完已經係11點半,行出街重成街都係人。我就問自己究竟里個世界重有冇另外一個城市好似香港一樣既呢? Owen聽到就揶揄左我幾句,佢話係啦係啦,冇第二度似香港啦!我有D唔開心呀!已經唔可以響度住家啦,唔通連講下都唔准咩!我都費事采佢呀!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

這兩天品嚐的都是圍繞著"蟹"。街邊的炸蟹餅,又平又底。酒樓的蟹粉小籠包,D汁又多又滋味,食既時候小心翼翼,為要保留所有美味既蟹汁。而家大閘蟹雖然唔係最當做,但係D糕一樣咁多。Yum!每一淡都漿住漿住,一路食一路回味無窮。 蟹粉撈麵---貴價,但係真係物有所值。只要用一個字黎形容---"正"。

Wednesday, December 19, 2007





Tuesday, December 18, 2007



昨晚跟Eva & Goobie聚舊,約了在IFC樓下見面。由中環站到香港站是我五年前每天必經的上班路線,經過美心餅店也是我從前常到買早餐的地方。舊地從遊,真的令人懷念。

Sunday, December 16, 2007



麟麟是小我三歲的表弟,小時候我跟哥哥和他是最要好的。我們經常自創遊戲,還記得我最喜愛的是用婆婆的bamboo chair做海渡船和用齊姨的swirl chair做的士,"多多街"是可以轉最多圈的目的地。其實不知麟麟還有這些記憶嗎。



Saturday, December 15, 2007


第一件事響香港要做就係攪攪個頭。髮型師阿Tom話:"不要問,只要信"。洗剪電染吹,出黎既效果我有D睇唔慣,但係一定係新型像。而家我個樣真係好女仔呀!不過里個new look足足用左我五個鐘頭囉!

Friday, December 14, 2007


經過20小時的舟車勞動,終於聽到"本航班現已著陸香港國際機場"。 混濁的空氣,人們趕急的腳步,聽到身邊人大聲爆粗,我知道我真的回來了!

Thursday, December 13, 2007


向我的Dreamland 出發!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


多謝禽晚Albertina大豪客,請左我地13個去Bucca Di Beppo度食大餐。主要原因係想多謝我地係佢地個wedding度做helpers喎!其實我就覺得自己有D係"mand"車邊勒。不過我都唔客氣,食到飽到食唔落,重打埋包忝!我特登係自己個日誌度寫低,等我唔會唔記得囉!Albert...Tina...多謝多謝!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007



Monday, December 10, 2007




Sunday, December 9, 2007

聖誕派對@Samsam & Ricky's

今年聖誕派對特別早,thanks to SamSam & Ricky to open their house for us again. White elephant gift exchange - 經過以前既經驗,今年個個對大件包裝既禮物都避之則吉。大家都唔想再見倒Deal or No Deal 或者Fortune Teller里D咁既"濕擠"野丫嗎! 今年好似大家都好實際,大部分既禮物都好實用,我對我自己既鴛鴦鍋就特別情有獨鍾,可惜比Vindy搶左。重有已經係Owen囊中物既Jenga又比可惡既Ricky搶埋。好采我地有太子牌花旗參茶做bargaining power, 最後重同Marvin換左10包辛辣麵忝! 我諗個箱辛辣麵都算係今年令人最起哄既禮物囉!

當晚既house rules係唔准絞腳同講英文數字,因為有太多線眼幫我,我贏左啦! 飯後一定唔小得更係遊戲大曬冷啦! 麻雀一早就比D鐵腳霸住。麻雀能醫百病,連作病既阿山都變得如虎添翼。我地其他人就開始左adult version既Cranium。我地今期紅透半邊天既Michael都無令人失望, 佢係Star Performance環節既表現簡直係出神入化無人可比。實在帶比我地太多歡樂啦!佢扮hamster個樣我重歷歷在目。


Saturday, December 8, 2007


我成功獲得之前提到的銀行職位了! 現在我有兩份難以抉擇的工作。

Mortgage/RE Broker
Private/small firm
5 miles away from home*
10 minutes local*
No benefit
No 401k
Old/small office
Colleagues age group 35+
Exempt salary + “commission per closing”**
No potential/advancement

Bank – Commercial Lending
Publicly trade bank*
Santa Clara
20 miles away from home
45-60 minutes traffic
Medical/dental/vision benefit*
New/big office*
Colleagues age group 25+*
Non-exempt salary
Full of potential/advancement*


Friday, December 7, 2007


在星期二我到了一間銀行面試。在面試期間我談吐對答恰度好處,但我的弱點是缺忽accounting & finance background。我對這份工作也頗感興趣,我想真的是書到用時方恨小吧了!可是只要他們願意培訓,我也有信心可以升任。



Thursday, December 6, 2007

Feliz Cumpleaños, Vincent!

Out of so many different cuisines, Vincent chose Chevy’s to celebrate his birthday this year. Thirteen of us were so prepared to treat him this big BIG meal, we used 4 coupons for buy one entree get the other for only $3.99. What a bargain eater!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


里個禮拜又去左個friend既wedding。我地再一次證實情人眼裏真係會出西施架喎! 我即刻叫Owen講我三個優點。係我窮追猛打之下,佢終於比左以下三點: 感性,想細心時細心,慳。



Friday, November 30, 2007



談到我跟我哥...我們在性格上一點也不像。 我是超級衝動派,七情六慾都放在臉上。他卻是優柔寡斷,對所有事都不聞不問,冷冷淡淡。由於媽媽對他的偏愛,令我一路以來對他不斷地刻意留難。幸好我哥很包容,不像我這些凡人一般見識,他老早已修練到事不關己,己不勞心的景界。回想下,雖然他對我這個妹妹沒有什麼言語上或行為舉止上的特別呵護,但他對金錢卻是一點也不吝嗇。任何時候我問他拿零用錢,就算是連他只緊有的零用錢,他也從不推搪,也可以與我分享。相信這就是他表現對家人的愛的方式吧!


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

愛, 回家!

期待以久的旅程,距離飛往香港的日子止剩下十數天,我的心情既興奮又忐忑。許多人曾經都問我是否因為香港多彩多姿的生活才那麼喜歡它。或許部分原因是因為它那種永不停下的生活方式,但主要的原因是因為我認為香港才是真正屬於我的家。我的根生在香港,我的心永遠都與它連在一起。自1990年移民來美的第一天到今時今日,我的心從未變改。每次從香港返回美國,我的思念只是有增無減。這樣的思念真是太難熬,多天的失眠,丟不盡的眼淚,同時體重減輕,到最後終於要面對現實繼續正常的生活。我真的很害怕這樣的循環 - 期待,歡樂,悲傷,復原,再期待...

但不要誤會,我在美的生活一點也不痛苦。 我擁有快樂的人生,家人與朋友都給我無限的愛與關懷。 我真的非常幸福。 我的家人,我的朋友,我的事業,我的一切都在這裡,可是我總是找不到那份歸屬感,我在這裡永遠都只是一位過客。是我盲目地執著,還是對自己所愛的堅持?


Monday, November 26, 2007


天氣越來越凍,我在幾星期前開始我既織頸巾計劃。 昨天終於大功告成! 我重發現我里條頸巾同Kate Spade賣緊$95個條相似情度有99%忝呀! 不過我里條就更加係無價寶啦! 係我Siu Poon親手做既溫暖品牌喎!

Sunday, November 25, 2007


小潘這個別名是來自於三年前在加拿大旅行得來的。2004年Emily, Vincent, Esther, Mandy, Chris, Owen and我組隊到Vancouver。在當地第一天我買下一頂帽子,Esther形容我戴上帽子後就像大精探的小助手。而一般的助手名字都由個"小"字開始,自始以後Owen的家人都稱呼我為"小潘"。我也很喜歡我這專用的別號。

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thanksgiving Holiday

眨下眼,重剩番一日Thanksgiving holiday咋! Thanksgiving個晚Vincent's family, my family and Owen's family were gathered at my in-laws home. Somehow I don't have too much thanksgiving mood, maybe cuz we didn't prepare ham or turkey this year. Instead, we had豉油雞,燒肉重有魚翅鮑魚湯. 好豐富架! 我重固住食,唔記得左影下全家福忝!

放假既節目一定唔小得MJ啦! 由星期三晚開始, Owen足足打左28圈. 太過份啦!

今年經濟不景,D gas又越起越貴,所以我地無去Black Friday瘋狂大購物呀! 不過聽聞Ricky & Albert就由4:15am排隊入Frys,到中午12點成功買到平野. Patrick就由12點零晨係Gilroy shopped到朝早六點. 勁呀!

Thursday, November 22, 2007


感謝神賜我救贖主 感謝神豐富預備
感謝神過去的同在 感謝神主在我旁
感謝神賜溫暖春天 感謝神淒涼秋景
感謝神抹乾我眼淚 感謝神賜我安寧

感謝神禱告蒙應允 感謝神未蒙垂聽
感謝神我曾經風暴 感謝神豐富供應
感謝神賜我苦與樂 在絕望裡得安慰
感謝神賜無限恩典 感謝神無比慈愛

感謝神賜路旁玫瑰 感謝神玫瑰有刺
感謝神賜家庭溫暖 感謝神有福盼望
感謝神賜喜樂憂愁 感謝神屬天平安
感謝神賜明天盼望 要感謝直到永遠

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


今日我究竟算返左工, 定無返工呢? Office一個人都見唔到, 早知我都唔返啦! 不過Stella約左我食lunch… 我地去左Pleasanton downtown既Baci到食agnes burger. Yum! 跟住我地重去埋Cheesecake Factory到品嚐美味既甜點. 真係甜到入心既strawberries shortcake with vanilla ice- cream啊! 好飽好飽呀! 我地兩個其實早兩個星期先見過, 但係我地仍然可以雞"叮"唔斷, 真攪笑! 不過我地最高記錄可以由放工6點傾到半夜12點, 傾到人地舖頭closed我地先肯走! 真係可以列入世界紀錄啦!


Thanks to all my beloved friends and family…celebrating my birthday with me yesterday. Owen好有心意咁煮左個瑤柱粥比我做早餐, 重加芒果雪糕做side dish忝. 雖然唔係好明個combination, 不過一早起身攪, 都算佢幾sweet 啦! 下旬Canna, Gary and Charlyn同我去左Palo Alto既Four Seasons Hotel飲下午茶. It’s a very lovely and peaceful place to spend an afternoon. 跟住夜晚就同我屋企人去左食Korean BBQ. 好好味呀! 最後Emily, Vincent, Tina, Albert, SamSam, Ricky, Patrick, Michael黎同我切birthday cake. Throughout the day, 我收到很多很多blessings from everyone’s phone calls, emails, and YMs. Especially when little Sammi sang me a birthday song and收到大姨由香港打黎既電話, I felt so loved. I love all the thoughtful gifts and 現金獎. I am so blessed to have everyone to be around with me. I LOVE them all.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I went for a job interview yesterday afternoon. This is the worst interview I have ever been to. The manager was ok, but the boss had such a bad attitude. He thinks he's the KING because he is boss. First of all, he didn't even review my resume prior to the interview. He asked a question, but he would cut me off and he would talk about something else when I tried to answer. He kept telling me how successful he is and so many people apply for the job and want to work for him. Just unbelievable! He is so rude and disrespectful. I wanted to walk out on him so bad.

In addition, he kept grubbing his face during the interview and his face was turning red in different spots, I tried to use "視線轉移大法" and focus on different part of his head... gosh! I tried so hard to look straight into his eyes the whole time...

The interview took almost 1.5 hours, I was glad that's over.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


星期日係SamSam & Ricky既baby shower。 由三點至七點係baby shower,本來個party都以經帶比我地好多歡樂架啦! 點知黃生提意"全城至尊雀王大賽", 所以七點以後就變成雀王大賽。 16位參賽者,$10參賽費,冠軍$100大獎,亞軍$50, 季軍$10安慰獎。
當Owen入左決賽時,我決定返屋企先。半夜時分, 我聞倒一陣銅嗅味, 一睇眼前竟然有一張$100大元。Owen話好采無丟到自稱MJ Master個名喎!真係比激死呀! SamSam重做左個chart黎見證成個賽事忝!
Ricky also summarized the game as: "經過6個鐘頭,28圈,112局嘅努力奮鬥,麻雀王終於旦生啦!最後四強别係Owen, Philip (Ah Shan), Rebecca (Sam's Mom), 同我Ricky。大家都打到好鬼死小心,三番都唔比人食。最後Owen憑密食三四番拋離咗其他對手勝出。Owen, 你連最基本甩牌既指力都冇, 我覺得我先至係真正嘅麻雀王,因為我係已全勝12圈榮獲第二名,哈哈!I DID IT!!! 比賽Highlight: 1. Tina - 大熱澳門竟然第一局就out咗 2. Patrick - 黑馬出綫,但係佢連三番都唔識食 3. Dante (Sam's Dad) - 食咗鋪十幾番都出唔到綫 4. Ricky - 帶咗I DID IT 牌,驘到飛起 5. Michael - 被衆人咀咒下,終於輸咗 6. Ah Shan - 唔爆得粗,谷Q住所以輸咗"

Friday, November 16, 2007


禽晚又一次有9男女既組合啦! Christina, Emily, Vincent, Ah Shan, Ah Sa, Patrick, Owen, and our friend from Mars, Michael (Yick) treated me for pre-birthday dinner @ Tomodachi. 好耐都無食日本野啦! 樣樣都好好味啊! 我地又講起番香港啦! 我提起我既秘密計劃, 12月番香港時順便搵下有關奧運既工, 奧運喎! 哩D咁歷史性既event, 可以參加就掂啦! 不過Owen啤左我幾野都知唔洗諗啦! 又比Owen發現我個鬼主意留係香港耐D添, 其實其他人都幾贊成丫!
Besides, Michael又一再次成為城中熱話喇! 睇下幅相...Michael好似火星人, 同我地D地球人唔同架! 哈哈哈!

Thursday, November 15, 2007


D 油又加價啦! 令我想起以下哩首歌!

作曲 De Knight-Freedman
作詞 許冠傑/黎彼得

你怕 我怕 個個怕 煙加 酒加 屋租加 巴士加 的士加 多士芝士乜都加 加 加 加 加 加 糖又加 鹽又加 成日咁加任佢話 其實無他 你住人屋宇下 佢梗收買路錢挪兩渣 買佢怕 買佢怕 要加就加 總之慣啦 牛油又加 蠔油又加 燃油 又話每「卡」七個六 其實無他 佢石油多到極 可惜真金白銀貶晒值 冇法啦 冇法啦 佢加就加 都由佢啦 紅荳沙 茶葉渣 全部要加慘到極 陀累全家 靠份糧點夠食 卒之到鼓油都冇滴 夠啦卦 夠啦卦 咪枕住加,喂 好啦卦 時時話加 年年話加 無盡咁加趕到絕 求助哪吒 我望能生對翼 即刻飛上月球再搵過食 就冇有怕 冇有怕 佢加就加 拜拜啦 (加加加……)(怕怕怕……) 人人話加 頻頻話加 成日咁加任佢話 其實無他 我做人多說話 加價熱潮風氣下 八下卦 八下卦 發起爛渣 谷鬼氣嘛

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

男子組 - It's a crack up!

Thanks to Ricky for having the idea and editting the video clip. He summed up this history-making moment as follow:

"Tina and Albert got married last Sunday, we all had a very good time. The whole wedding was very emotional and touching. In addition, 9 of us got together last week and made this music video as a SPECIAL wedding gift to them. Sam, Ricky, Vincent, Emily, Owen, Maggie, Matthew, Sindy, and the big star Ah Shan! This clip took us 4 hours and took me 8 hours to edit it. We all love this video and it made Tina cried in the wedding too!! Guys, we made another legend!"

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


我們在剛剛過去的週末參加了四位好朋友的婚禮。 Both were great parties. Cassandra & Herbert的婚宴上有醒獅表演,場面好震撼呀! 54圍的賓客, 勁! 至於Tina & Albert的, 當然也有很多感人場面。 但在我身上也發生了極度尷尬的事。 我不小心把我的裙撕爛左,大鑊, 好大鑊! 好采多得個make-up artist, Janet幫手補救。真係一額汗! 相信兩個weddings都為我留下難忘的一頁。

Monday, November 12, 2007


今天睇新聞知道中國發生踩死人事件。 事發是因為一間Supermarket週年紀念大減價, 食油特買由$54一瓶,減至$39一瓶。 因為人太多,發生你推我讓既程放,終於總共有30多人死傷。 當地人為了慳一點點,要賠上生命,真的不值得。 可想言之當地人生活多麼艱苦,我們生活在這麼富足的地方,也許我們應該不再浪費身邊擁有的資源, 也要為我們可擁有的時常感恩。

Sunday, November 11, 2007


因為BOO-YA事件,連日黎我疲勞轟炸Owen...上海? 上海? Owen終於話"你放過我啦!"

Friday, November 9, 2007


Owen講了一件事關如他有位IT同事要去上海幫手setup新office. 有令外一位西人同事教他如果有人要賣東西給你, 你就對他說"BOO-YA!" Owen想了很久, 他們其實應該是想說 "不要" (普通話). 太攪笑喇!


Me: 上海? 點解我唔知你公司有上海新office架?
Owen: IT同事淨係去做setup咋!
Me: 無可能! 有咩理由IT都要由美國飛去? 無理由唔請engineer既?
Owen: 無呀!
Me: 一定有既! 我唔信!不如問下丫?
Owen: 無呀! 真係無呀!
Me: 上海?
Owen: 你都唔會鍾意架啦!
Me: 上海?
Owen: 無呀!
Me: 上海?
Owen: 你癲左咩!

唔通我真係咁想離開美國? 就算唔係香港都OK? Am I really ready? 或者因為最近工作唔係咁順利啦! 我都唔知啦!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Just A Minimum Respect

Our business partners have made a decision NOT to terminate an important project about a month ago. I did not agree to it, but I got voted off. However, we have agreed to revisit the same issue in the next three months. I wanted to give up so bad along the line, but I told myself to stick to my words. I tried my best to continue even when I noticed some others have withdrawn from more & more of the responsibilities in the project. I've been telling myself that the deadline is only till the end of December, I should give it all to make it happen. Unfortunately, I found out a news that I don't want to hear today. In fact, I found out from an "outsider" that some individuals have indirectly terminated the project on their own. THEY BROKE THEIR PROMISE. I don't understand why... WHY? I had no problem to terminate the project when I was actually the first one to bring it up. Perhaps, pay me just the minimum respect to notify me! Why do I have to find out from someone else? I was very disappointed and I felt I got betrayed AGAIN...why am I so dumb?

Monday, November 5, 2007


因為day time saving system, 我們將所有鐘錶都教慢了。昨天星期天多了一個小時。 這多了的一小時令一天變得很漫長。我想我真的多賺了生命中的一小時吧!可是無論我們怎樣操控鐘錶上的時間...它依然tic tac tic tac 的逝去。也許我的想法實在太天真啦!想起六年級記念冊上的老套字句 "一吋光陰一吋金,吋金難買吋光陰 (吋人被人打鑊金)"。我要學習真惜每分每秒, 活出生命。真的說起容易做就...

Friday, November 2, 2007


昨天媽咪生日,去了"食神" celebrated. 見到媽媽的笑臉,發覺我和她真的太相似啦!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween 2007

We had a blast last night @ ASSS' home. It was a great party. Stephanie wrapped everything up by sending the email out:

"thank you coming to the party last nite, it was really really fun! food was wayyyyyyyy too good, crazy!!! thanks for everyone of bring such a good food! special thanks for Teng's family of bring so many dishes last nite too, it must took lot of preparation! great job! Big thanks for everyone taking the effort to dress up for the party (especially our senior guests, uncle Poon, uncle Teng & Teng Aunt), u guys looked GREAT! also our mermaid Dorty with super TRENDY hair style by professional stylist Canna Teng! (i finally understand why u have so many clients in your styling business!) and i also like Patrick's lab costume, as he was just being himself (he works in lab during the day). Owen's costume was really impressive too! Full GEAR! oh, and all our little animals were just toooooooooooo cute! Our bumble bee Oscar, ducky Candice, "Siu Fei Cheung" Sky, Penguin Charlyn, and my two meerkats Sammi and Sasa! thank you all our babies for being so cute and good last nite, our little monsters gave us lot of fun and laugh! Hope we can all scare each other again next year too!"

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

震! 震! 震!

我正坐在sofa, getting ready to write a blog. The house was shaking, my seat was moving. I heard the wall was cracking and the lights were swinging. It was so scary. I sat still and looked up, thinking nothing should fall down on me. Should I hide under the dining table?
This is an alarm! We better make sure we have the emergency kit ready.

5.6 級地震, 震央in Milpitas... only 15 minutes drive away from us. 好驚呀! 震得好勁呀! It was so strong!

In His Time

Sometimes I question if God listens to my come He doesn't answer my prayer request right away. I know God has His own time schedule and He prepares the best for me. I continue to pray to Him for my strength, faith and patience to wait for His work on me.

"In His time, in His time. He makes all things beautiful in His time. Lord, please show me every day, as You're teaching me Your way, that You do just what You say in Your time.
In Your time, in Your time. You make all things beautiful in Your time. Lord, my life to You I bring, may each song I have to sing, be to You a lovely thing in Your time."

Saturday, October 27, 2007

1116 lbs

我地去左 pumpkin patch. 一片乾草地上,有好多大大小小既南瓜。 又有D係奇形怪狀既. 嘩! 好大個變種南瓜呀!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Tears in Heaven

I heard this song before but never paid attention what it is about...until Owen tells me about the story behind it. Eric Clapton tributed this song to his preschool son, who died in an accident. His son died when he fell from a 53rd-story window in New York City apartment, and landed on the roof of an adjacent four-story building. The lyrics is so touching...tears came down from my eyes...Tears In Heaven, by Eric Clapton and Will Jennings

Would you know my name if I saw you in heaven?
Would it be the same if I saw you in heaven?
I must be strong and carry on, 'Cause I know I don't belong here in heaven.
Would you hold my hand if I saw you in heaven?
Would you help me stand if I saw you in heaven?
I'll find my way through night and day, 'Cause I know I just can't stay here in heaven.
Time can bring you down, time can bend your knees, time can break your heart.
Have you begging please, begging please.
Beyond the door, there's peace I'm sure, and I know there'll be no more tears in heaven.
Would you know my name if I saw you in heaven?
Would it be the same if I saw you in heaven?
I must be strong and carry on, 'Cause I know I don't belong here in heaven.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


廚房就好似戰場, 我既廚房戰衣! 非常哈look! 最緊要離爐三尺帶埋手套, 咁就一定安全冇油彈到啦!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


《明報》報道,自1970 年中國發射第一顆地球衛星「東方紅一號」至今,中國等了整整37 年,昨日6 時05 分終於成功發射了第一顆自行研製的探月衛星「嫦娥一號」。「嫦娥一號」成功升空,踏上14日征途,現繞地球運轉,經過4次變軌,才進入月球軌道。
Funding to aerospace project is very controversial. Some people think aerospace development is just another way to enlarge its countries' political power. They raised up an issue that the government should distribute fundings to the poverty instead. I never did any study regarding aerospace or politics, I know China still catching up the aerospace technology with United States, but I am proud of China's work no matter what.

Half Day without Internet

Company server was down this morning. Without emails, without internet, without ym and msn...I felt like I was disconnected with the world. I was lost...I don't know what can be done without the internet. Technology gives us lots of convenience, and we, the modern people are so rely on it. I can't imagine what if one day all the "technical device" doesn't operate, can I adjust back to the primitive?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


經過兩晚既打邊爐,好熱氣呀! 個鼻攪成敢,慘! 而家靚爆啦! 媽咪,我要湯水呀!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Monday, October 15, 2007

劈? "湯"?

唔通一定要劈到"湯"先算盡慶架咩? 不過唔係敢我地做旁觀者既點會有咁多歡樂呀!! 辛苦曬嘞!

Friday, October 12, 2007


今天下大雨, 秋季終於來臨了! 是我最討厭的雨季... 烏雲密佈的天空令人變得懶洋洋, 沒精打采. 也許要有暴風雷雨, 我才更珍惜晴天白雲.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

World Record

Owen’s cousin, Eason came to the Bay Area from East Coast yesterday. We were supposed to meet tonight for dinner. At 9:45pm last night, he called asking if he can stay overnight at our place…of course…he’s very welcome la. He will arrive at 10:30 wo… That means we have to CLEAN UP! Oh no! Greases on the stove, dishes in the sink, shoes in the garage, overloaded trash, dirty dinning table, messy living room, toys in the guest room, yucky bathroom…
I think we beat the “World Record” to clean our home in an hour. AH! Thanks to Eason!

Yum Yum?

My new experiment - Sticky rice

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


只係喺 lunch hour 嗰時飲左杯奶茶姐??!! 就搞到我成日心跳加速. 重成晚眼光光, 飲左豬肉湯敢. 點解明知道會敢, 都要自己裸黎賤. 唉!!!!! 好彩有"救命油"旁身!

Monday, October 8, 2007


I was introduced to the new online social network, Facebook. This has taken away my time from writing blog here tim. Ops. but sure that is fun!

Friday, September 28, 2007


I had a dream last night. I went to a new school and in order to fit in, I joined a group of classmates to take a short trip. When I was on the plane, I realized they have changed plan and decided to go to France. I attempted to call Owen, but somehow I was very tired and had no energy. I kept dialing, but kept inputting the wrong digits. The plane departed and I can’t use my mobile anymore. I was unconsciously walking back & forth on the plane, trying to ask someone to let me get off! Finally I walked to the pilot area, and she told me to sit down and buckle up because there was turbulence on its way. The plane was very unstable and it went downward. I looked out the window and surprisingly I saw “Causeway Bay”. Huh? The plane is actually arriving Hong Kong to be transfer to France.
The next scene, I was walking in the shopping mall, looking for a café. I was trying to come up with a good strategy before I call Owen and tell him where I was. It’s August in my dream. I was thinking in my head that I might as well stay in Hong Kong until Owen comes in December, so I don’t have to fly back & forth la ma.
Right @ that moment, I woke up and I have to pee… WHY WHY WHY?


迎月,賞月,追月,食月餅 & 猜燈謎. 過中秋應該有既節目都做左嘞! After our discussion, we found out 1 moon cake consisted of 800 calories…no wonder everyone 都就住就住啦! 猜燈迷? I only wanna be the one to 開估. To see everyone's reaction after they hear the answers is pretty fun. Lots of "herr" 聲 with big laughs. That was hilarious!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


喺我屋企慶祝中秋, 有豐富既過節大餐. 今年個月光好似特別光, 特別圓. 第一次影有Sky既全家福. 因為食得太飽, 個個都唔在最佳狀態添. Oh well!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

中秋佳節 - "但願人長久"

"明月幾時有 把酒問青天 不知天上宮闕 今昔是何年 我欲乘風歸去 唯恐瓊樓玉宇 高處不勝寒 起舞弄清影 何似在人間 轉朱閣 低綺戶 照無眠 不應有恨 何事長向別時圓 人有悲歡離合 月有陰晴圓缺 此事古難全 但願人長久 千里共嬋娟"
每當中秋節, 我也會想起這首詩歌. "但願人長久 千里共嬋娟" 意思是 "只願互相思念的人能夠天長地久,即使相隔千里,也能通過月光來傳遞思念" 好感人呀! People say the moon in western country is much bigger, perhaps it's true. However, it can't stop me from missing my other family on the other side of the world. 我都好掛住香港D親人呀!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Concert of Prayer

I attended a Concert of Prayer on Friday night. It was quite a new and different experience. We sang and prayed for two straight hours. Prayer is a privilege and an important things between God and us. I always thought prayer is such a private communication between me & God, however this gives me a changed perspective. We paired with numbers of prayer partners during different sessions. Actually, I was not too comfortable and not ready to voice out my prayer, so I was a listener the whole time. I always prayed with the voice in my head, maybe it's time to try really talking to God in my prayer. It's a challenge, but I will start in my own private time first.
Prayer really works, be patient and be strong in faith. From past experience, I know God has plans for me. Sometimes He answers yes, sometimes He says no... but most of the time, He responds to wait. "Wait" is the most difficult thing to do, but I am learning everyday to let God lead my way.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


謝謝大姑奶 Esther, 已預訂了到臺灣一遊!
水迷宮? 太遠啊! 霍氏百貨? 當然啊! 溫泉? 好舒服啊! 在夜市內找到的鴨舌還有鹽酥雞? 好美味啊!
吃喝玩樂, 好適合我們啊! 太棒了! (為什麼突然說起國語來了?)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Baby baby baby...

This topic is all over my head for a while. Surprisingly Emily is facing the same issue, yet mine is quite different from least I get no pressure from "adults". My best friends started having babies since 2 years ago. I don't get to hang out with them as much anymore. I shifted myself to be more involved with another group of friends who has no babies in their family; yet those are starting to get pregnant this year. I am moving on to a fourth group of friends now. It's pretty tiring to expand the friend network all the time...
Friends will be friends for life. But obviously we have a different priorities now. During different gatherings, while they are talking about how their babies have grown, what they've learned to do, morning sickness, school district, breastfeeding... Me, on the other hand, still talking about this drama is touching, and that drama is so romantic. Sometimes, I just feel so stupid to talk about these "sesame green bean" matters compared to their important BABY talk.
I still enjoy hanging out with their babies sometimes, it's fun to watch them play, but just not too too often. I hate myself to be an uninvolved auntie. I hate to be "separated" with my brother. We used to be so closed, now...with his baby Sky...I'm going further & further away. I tried my best to fit in, but it's just too hard to share the same interest @ this time. I'm sure my friends are pretty sick of my philosophy. OH well... they are my friends, they should know me by now.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


Thanks to Kristi invited me to join her fellowship this Friday night. It's been so many years since I last attended a fellowship activities. We had dinner, singiration, games, sharing and praying. Joining a fellowship is very different from going to whership on Sunday. We get to know each other more, and hopefully we can give each other support in our spiritual life. Being a" standard" Christian is not easy. I know no one is perfect in this world and we try to learn to be more like God everyday. I enjoy the night and I wish I can be more closer to God through the bonding with this group of friends.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

倍我倒數 - September 13, 2007

重有三個月我就飛香港! 太棒哪!
Owen 話我是走肉…沒有那麼誇張ma!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Gals Group

It's been a long time since the last time our COMPLETED gals group got together. Thanks to Cindy...because of her having a baby... that drew all of us together to celebrate.
We looked at some old old pictures when we still had baby fat and no make-up. Wow! Natural, fresh and very pretty! Some of us knew each other since junior high, it's been a long time... friends will always be friends. We had lots of memories together and it definitely will extend to the next generation.

Friday, September 7, 2007

楊丞琳 - 任意門

如果擁有"任意門", 我想打開便是香港!
作詞:陳鎮川 作曲:楊陽 編曲:奧斯卡

*好悶 結冰的蘋果 用力啃不動  
怎麼 才剛覺得熱 突然又颱風  
好的佔為己有 壞的一再重播  


突然沒藉口 什麼都不想做
身邊想見的人想講的話 都沒有
口紅覺得太油 瀏海變得太重
我看我 不太我 去去去 做惡夢
怎麼了 煩的常常頭痛 我做夢做夢 
可以脫離這宇宙 (做夢)
關上門 沒有人找得到我 逃到非洲 逃到月球 躲一躲

人長大後 什麼都要戳破
明明不太好受 偏偏還想長壽
戀愛 行屍走肉 害怕分手 牽著手
工作 越來越多 越來越重 才成功
明明冬天的水果 夏天居然有
自然不自然 顧不了太多
天空破一個洞 身上不斷穿孔
花 越開越紅越活越久 新品種

結冰的蘋果 用力啃不動
怎麼 才剛覺得熱 突然又颱風
好的佔為己有 壞的一再重播

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


老爺奶奶走左lu! 今日開始又要煮飯啦!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

What a day!

I went to Tracy to meet my boss yesterday morning. It was nice to be out in the field sometimes, but it was super hot out there. It was a good meeting and we have established a good referral source. For lunch, I had the best ball tip steak sandwich @ Kinder’s. I’m not a beef lover…but the meat was so tender and I love it with just the meat and lots of mayo. Wow! It was perfect!
My day went from the top of the hill to the bottom of the sea after lunch. I rode on my boss’ car with my colleagues to Stockton for the next meeting. On the two-small lane freeway, a dark green Lexis driven by two flunky guys cut in front of us. It was such a dangerous move. My boss was pissed and he honked @ them and gave signal for them to pull over to the emergency lane. I can’t believe they both pulled over and my boss was about to get off the car. We told him just ignore them and let’s move on. What if they had a gun in their car? My boss calmed down and he started to get back on the freeway. The guys chased after us, he stirred his wheels and pulled toward us again, and we almost got hit by them. My boss was so mad; we were flying in his car and chasing after them. Oh my…the rest of us just told him to STOP, LET HIM GO! He then called the BMW service, connected to the highway patrol and reported that car. The two men drove so recklessly and it was so scary!\Our IMPORTANT meeting in Stockton was totally useless. I don’t even know why we had to be there. All I can say is some of the US government system is B_ _ _ S_ _ _! Well, we had done what we should…we will deal with it when the result comes.
It was over 107 degree in Tracy and by the time I drove back to Livermore, it was still 99. What a day!

Sunday, August 26, 2007


September doesn’t have the same meaning to us like it used to be when we were still in school. However, we still want to party in the last weekend in August. We had potluck @ Emily & Vho’s on Saturday night. 16 of us, and everyone brought something to the table. We had plenty of food. The eating took place from 6:30pm to 2am, non-stop. Yum! Yum!
Ah Shan - our Wii baseball 臺主. Marvin, Owen, Albert & Vincent were in line to challenge him. Unfortunately, only Vincent can win over the title. Stella, Patrick, Christina and Kristi participated in the first 4 round of MJ 友誼賽 and Emily, Owen, Shan & Tina followed with the real 血戰.
The rest of us decided to play an old game, Pictionary. Team #1: Albert, Vincent, Kristi, Stella and Neslie and Team #2: Patrick, Samsam, Chrisee, Marvin, Alex and myself. We had a blast during the game. I still can't understand how Vincent can come up with the answer "Sleepless in Seattle" when all I drew was a cross on three zzz. Afterall, we learned the #1 訣竅 in this game is “the louder you get, the more chance you can win”.
My biggest 收獲 was to download the Hong Kong theme photos into my phone as wallpaper from Ah Shan. Oh! Now I have something to comfort myself in the middle of the night when I can’t sleep.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


My family has added a new member. She's my 表姨生女, Gladys Lam (林悅晴). She's almost four-month old now. I can't stop laughing when looking at her hair style. She looks so funny & cute. Can't wait to KISS her when I'm back to Hong Kong in December.

Sunday, August 19, 2007


We attended a wedding banquet on Saturday. My daddy-in-law and his high school friend (Here I called him Mr. Anti-China) started a conversation.
Mr. Anti-China 說什麼大陸人都沒有人性沒有良心. 工作態度惡劣懶散. 他認為工人還是活在做有三十六, 不做也有三十六的思想年代.
我想: 人有分好壞, 這跟地區或種族…有關嗎?
他說: 離開了中國的, 不再是中國人, 僅是華人. 他道他從不是中國人. 在香港出生成長, 他是香港人, 移民後他變了美籍華人.
我想: 這是什麼哲理觀點? 我幾乎站起大聲疾呼 “無論在哪裡, 我永遠都是完完全全的中國人!” (我太激動啦! 我就快要爆樽啦!)
他說: 中國政府正在極權的管制和支配了人民. 人民應該可以決定自己的命運, 這麼才是自由與民主. 人民渴求自由, 就應給予獨立與自主.
我想: 可以做你一切想做的, 不算是得到自由, 而是放縱; 可以不做不應該做的, 才是真正的自由. 美國被稱為最自由的國家, 假如加州全民投票贊成獨立, 難道美國政府也會不管嗎?
後記 - 為反對而反對, 他絕對是極端分子. 也許為擁護而擁護的我, 也是彼此彼此.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Recently there are so many “Made in China” products got recall. Without a completed investigation who should take the responsibility, a lot of people blamed China government for everything right away.
Before we jump to conclusion, let’s think about the following:
1) Does China government have regulation on exported goods?
2) Is the problem vendors privately owned or government owned?
3) Who design and place the order for production? Businesses here in foreign country or businesses in China?
4) How come there’s no QC or testing done by Businesses from foreign country to meet their safety and quality standards?
5) Did Businesses in foreign country neglect all the regulations and skip QC so they can keep the cost low for a bigger profit?
I have to admit that we somewhat had lost confidence in some of the products from China. Nevertheless, China is such a big country, and has grown so fast that government is trying to catch up in their systems and regulations as well. I still have so much faith in you that you can do it.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


814 is our wedding anniversary. I woke up early to make a delicious breakfast 香腸煎雙蛋 for Owen. 讚! But I found out D 香腸已經臭左. 激死! 好彩有午餐肉補上. 更讚!
Because of my strong dedication to the hip hop dance class, we didn’t go out for dinner; instead Owen came to the class for visit. He is honored to watch us girls dancing hip hop. Free entertainment for him, and that’s my anniversary gift for him. I’m so thoughtful and this gift is so unique.
We went to TGI Fridays for dessert afterward. 哎呀! 成身大汗, 臭臭呀! I love their Brownie Obsession – a warm brownie covered in Ghirardelli chocolate-fudge sauce, vanilla ice cream and caramel sauce. 甜品真可以令人滿足!
I appreciated my hubby so much. He’s been such a great guy trying to accommodate with my will all the time. Oh no! I must be blogging under influence. The normal Maggie would never say that. 我一定黏左線啦!
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Monday, August 13, 2007

同一個世界 同一個夢想

北京奧運倒數一周年 "We are Ready" 作曲: 金培達 填詞: 陳少琪 制作: 金培達, 陳少琪 一年一年的等待 我們看見未來一起用汗水來灌溉 五種色彩 一天一天的等待 心情更加澎湃創造最大的舞臺 最豪邁的時代 這片土地已經準備好 打開夢想起飛的跑道 讓全世界的目光 降落在我們的懷抱 We Are Ready 把心和心都連在一起 We Are Ready 把天與地都連在一起 超越了自己 贏得一場光榮的勝利 用時間紀念夢想的神奇 We Are Ready We Are Ready We Are Ready 一分一秒的等待 這刻終於到來 漫天燦爛的煙花 在驕傲的盛開 這個民族已經準備好 帶著笑容來向你問好 讓全世界的目光 降落在我們的懷抱
首歌好澎湃呀! I AM READY TOO!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Our special date!

To pre-celebrate our 3rd wedding anniversary, Owen & I spent a night @ SF Hyatt. We took BART from Union City station to Embarcadero station, so we can save money on overnight parking in the City. We haven’t taken public transaction for so many years in the Bay Area. 真係大鄉里出城! It took us a while to figure our how to purchase tickets from the machine. We found out the Equinox (Roof-top restaurant) has been closed. Instead, we had dinner @ the Eclipse Café, 鋸左個排…好好味道啊!
The next morning we went to the farmer’s market around the Ferry Building. 哇! 樣樣野都好吸引呀! Everything is organic. It was so crowded in & out of the building. We tasted so many peaches, apples, grapes and some unknown fruits…so sweet! It’s even better when it’s free tasting. Yeah!
We walked all the way to Chinatown because Owen craved for 金門蛋-tart. Unfortunately, they were closed until 9/1. 真係Side曬我D腳骨力呀! Along with Owen's disappointment, we then went to downtown 行街街. Christina & Stella happened to be in the City for the art & craft show, so we met up for a late lunch.
Our date ended with great thanks to Christina for giving us a ride home. Double Yeah!

Thursday, August 9, 2007


Beginning couple weeks ago, I've rec'd so many emails from lenders stating guideline changes per day. I got so overwhelmed and can't really catch up with the updates. I just rec'd this notice this afternoon, it made me laugh finally @ the office for a while.
"Very important - Guideline changes effective 8/8/07
-All borrowers must have one blue eye and one brown eye to qualify.
-LTV>65% SIVA requires min credit score of 849.
-For all LTV>65%, 360 months of payment reserves now required.
-Borrowers must have no previous bankruptcies in their family history going back three generations.
-A min of 25 yrs self-employment history now required for all NIV Programs (at same location).
-Min credit score for subprime loans raised to 720.
-All non-arm's length transaction borrowers (mtg, RE prof., family members) will be required to provide full documentation, subject to criminal background checks, wire tapping, strip-searches , and a min of 12 hrs of interrogation by the Dept of Homeland Security.
Please note that these changes will go into effect in the next five minutes. So please lock you existing loan immediately. All existing loans in your pipeline must fund by noon tomorrow."
It is a joke and it made us laugh, but the real market changes is asking conditions as unreasonable as this. Unfortunately...that is NOT a JOKE!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Owen bought a Wii last week and bought another one yesterday.
Owen: I found another Wii for Michael today.
Maggie: But Christina wants one too.
Owen: Oh, let’s give it to Christina first.
Maggie: No problem, let’s give ours to Michael.
Owen: No. I really want this for us.
Maggie: Why? 一闊三大呀! You will have to spend much more to buy the accessories and games. 我唔會成日玩架!
Owen: We can practice tennis together. 組 team 呀嗎!
Maggie: No. Let’s sell it 啦!.
Owen: I want it, I want it, I want it!
How come Owen has such a strong will to keep this Wii. Hmmm…as long as he hasn’t opened the box, I still have hope.