Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A day out to Palo Alto Junior Museum

Started off with lunch at Crepevine@ Palo Alto Junior Museum

Friday, March 25, 2011

Haley loves avocado

Haley being sick @ home...still being 鬼馬


Chester learned what's gravity, he will look down to find his toy if he drops it. His favorite game is to drop his toy and wait for mommy or Haley to pick it up for him.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Monday, March 21, 2011

Poor little Haley

Haley had a fever since Saturday morning, the highest temperature was 103.8. She was still active and acting normal. We found rashes all over her body after the fever's gone. We called the nurse hotline and found out that it is common for 6 months - 3 years old child to have rashes after a high fever. Just like how the nurse describes, the rashes should go away after 3 days. We didn't go anywhere but stay home in the last three days. Haley became so cranky and wanted to "stick" to mommy all the time. Look at her eyes, they were swollen and red due to all the crying. Oh! My poor little Haley!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Haley's first dental visit

Our whole family is going for dental check this morning. All 3 of us has no cavity, but mommy has to go back to remove her wisdom tooth. Haley has high temperature today but she still behaves very well during the whole process. She sat still to complete the x-ray and cleaning. Good job, Haley! I'm proud of u!

Friday, March 18, 2011

New fence in our backyard

Our new neighbor insisted to build a new fence at the backyard, so we just share half of the cost for it!Old fence was taken downNew fence


Chester is so determined to taste the apple. He's only 4.5 month old. My original plan is to start solid food when he's 5.5 month old, maybe now I may start at 5 month. It's hilarious!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Haley is a good little helper

Haley is taking up another house chore, she will help to pass out chopsticks during dinner time. Not only that, she is very eager to help taking care of Chester. When Chester cries, she run to him and shakes the rattle to calm Chester. She will say "It's ok! 細佬唔好喊!" Sometimes, Haley calls Chester "Drama King". When Chester drools, she will use his bib to wipe it for him. She insists to kiss him good morning and help to get diapers for him, but she will choose diaper that has Cookie Monster pattern every time. Haley will wait quietly in her room, playing puzzle while I told her that I have to nurse Chester. If I don't go to her after a while, she will come look for me, and if I am not done with Chester, she will close my door and go back to her room to wait. So far I don't see any jealousy from Haley toward Chester; she really loves him! She is the best sister Chester can ever have.

Side note: Haley can zip up her jacket today all by herself. Yeah!

Haley acts silly to make Chester laughs

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Finding preschool for Haley

Despite how much I want to keep Haley at home with me, it's finally time to start looking for a preschool for Haley in the coming September. This is not an easy task at all, going to the preschool faire, searching online, reading parents' reviews and school visits. We plan to send her to school two days a week at the beginning. Choosing between private or community, faith-based or not, Montessori or other learning method... so many choices to make. Owen and I have decided for Haley not to stress on academic but focus on personality development. The most important for her early years of schooling should be being happy and fun to learn. After speaking to couple teachers, Haley is advance in some areas such as letter recognition. We never worried about her ability to learn, but we would like her to be more outgoing. At her age, it is normal that she does parallel play with other kids, however, we want to make sure she learns the skills to communicate with others.

Due to the recent educational policy changes, the new cutoff date for preschooler to enter kindergarten may change to November 1 next year, Haley will have to stay one more year before she can attend kindergarten. This means she will attend kindergarten at age 6. Owen mainly relies on my decision on this as most school visits are done during weekdays when he's at work. I tried to sum up the pros and cons on each school so I can get him involved as much as he can. Of course I have also taken the cost into consideration, but Owen has assured me that it is not an issue and try to select a good match for Haley. I prayed to God for His guidance in making this important decision. As the bible says God counts the number of hair on our heads (Luke 12:6-7). That is the level of attention He will pay to. He will make sure every details in our lives are well taken of! He knows what's the best for us.

Haley & her new bike

Daddy is teaching Haley how to ride her new bikeHaley is so smart on this pictureShe dropped her bike as soon as she saw the playground in the frontTrust between daddy & HaleyLove sliding

Saturday, March 12, 2011


This coming year is Owen & my seventh year wedding anniversary, we brought up the topic of "Seven Year Itch" in our conversation. I told him that I am sure I will not get itch no matter how many years I married him. He replied and said that he married me for life, not for any number of years. He thinks he is sweet talking...but I think it's very "老套". So I went online to get the definition of 七年之癢.


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Friday, March 11, 2011

Wii bowling

After her first experience playing bowling in Reno, we dig out the Wii game and have her bowl at home too. Haley loves bowling!




Thursday, March 10, 2011


Non-stop kisses from Haley

Practice marching
Haley teaches; Chester learns

Happy Chester

The magic song

Chester's favorite song is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Whenever he gets fussy, he will stop crying instantly if I sing the Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. It has to be "me" who sing the song and it has to be the exact lyric. It's just magical how he would change from a crying face to a happy face in no time. I love to be his magician.

It's been so long...

Taking care of two kids is not easy at all. My world has been overwhelmed by both of them. I really need to pick up my habit in updating my blog. In a blink of an eye, Chester is already 4 months old. He has grown so much and he will smile and sometimes giggle when we show him our silly faces. Haley has been a great sister who loves to kiss and hug her little brother. She's always the first one to respond to Chester's cry. She's willing to share her toys, even her favorite snacks with him. I am blessed to have them in my life.

I have joined the women's morning class at Bible Study Fellowship ( in Fremont for a couple of months. It's been a great learning experience for me. I've learned a lot and getting back closer to God. BSF involved daily home study, group discussion, lectures and notes review. I'm the kind of people who need more guidance and discipline in doing things. It's quite intense at the beginning, but once I pick up the pace, I enjoy every aspects of it.

Motherhood has been a continuing challenge for me everyday. I've always asked for family and friends' opinions and advices perhaps I should lean to God for help and comfort. I feel helpless, stressed, exhausted, and vulnerable at times, but God is good to me, He gave me encouragement when I needed. I wish I can continue to seek wisdom and get more patient through the learning of His words with the lesson I get from BSF.

Not only I get the benefit from BSF, Haley also attends their children's program where she can hear bible stories, sing the hymns and get to know God as well. She enjoys the sessions and she always shows me a big smile when I pick her up. She told me that she is happy and wants to go back.

We are studying the book of Isaiah. I am blessed that it is a close location for me to attend BSF. It's not easy to get the kids ready and get out of the house that early, but I think it's well worth it. Praise the Lord! God has help me in managing my time to finish the homework as well as taking care of my two kiddies.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Haley & Chester

Haley's special way to swing ChesterHaley shows Chester how to play at the activity station

Chester can flip over now