Tuesday, June 29, 2010


小小雲已經睡了大個女床床兩天啦!媽媽爸爸為她預備了新床單枕頭套,而且換了新窗簾和加了一點點佈置,令她有一個耳目一新的房間。一如平常,我們先看幾本書,然後幫她穿上睡袋,錫錫再加一句"night night"。放了音樂,開了牆燈,關房燈,關門,我們走到房外,聽聽她的反應。小小雲沒有哭啊!只聽見她在自然自語,不久她便睡著了!等到她熟睡後,我們進去看看,她竟然睡了在床邊的地上。再晚一點進去看看,她已睡回床上去。我想她知道她是要睡在床上吧!早上我們聽到她在自然自語的聲音,進去看看,她還在床上打轉。我還以為早上會在地上的一角找到她,或她已在玩玩具。當她看見我們便臉露笑容,我們大讚她已經大個女,睡了大人床床,她當時的表情很自滿啊!似乎小小雲很愛她的大個女床啊!而且我發覺她對她的BB床一點留戀也沒有。

Monday, June 28, 2010

Pony ride

Haley finally enjoys riding on her pony this week. She climbs up on her own and she rocks on it with a big smile. Maybe we can let her try riding a live pony at the carnival this summer.

Learning #1-10

Sunday, June 27, 2010

1st Swimming experience 2010

Warming up with daddy at the poolside.Took her only minutes to warm up and she was comfortably floating on the water.We also had Haley tried dipping her head in the water couple time. We are proud of her.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Haley is 19 months old!



Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Is she ready?

Haley wrapped a diaper around her favorite doll today and placed her in the booster seat. Is she ready to be a big sister to help taking care of the little brother? Probably not, cos she actually threw the baby doll on the floor the next minute.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010



Haley took mommy's hair band and wore on her head. She thinks she's beautiful!

Monday, June 21, 2010




Case One:
Haley loves to play in the backyard. When it's time to go back in, I told her 差唔多入去啦! But to avoid a temper meltdown, I usually told her 玩多一陣啦! Couple days later, when I tell her it's about time to go back in, then Haley will point a finger to show a "1" and she says "一陣", so she can stay longer outside in the yard.

Case Two:
Mama and papa usually will read books with Haley before she goes to bed. She insists to read one after one. When I tell her it's time to go to bed, then she will say "one more". If I give in and allow her to read one more, she will demand for another one after that one.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Outdoor hotpot on Father's Day 2010

Daddy & Haley on Father's Day 2010

Owen received a photo album as a Father's Day gift this year, but Haley thinks it's her gift instead. She refuses to share the album with daddy! Haley treated daddy specially today with lots of hugs and kisses.

Sky & Haley are kissing!


Friday, June 18, 2010

細細O 是"他"!

今日做完超聲波,細細O係男仔喎!細細O冇家姐咁合作,想量度他的腳,他就踩住媽媽;想量度他的頭,他就躲在媽媽的肚臍。足足一小時才完成呢!醫生下星期應該會看完報告,希望細細O發展一切正常啦!至於熙琳全程也很聽話,一路不停吃媽媽為她準備的小食。不時還唱歌給BB聽。(其實是自言自語) 當爸爸媽媽告訴她我們在看Baby,她便不斷喊著Baby,baby啊! Now Owen really worried about his Star Wars, Legos, and Transformers would have a less chance to stay as collectibles!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

15th year anniversary

Today is our 15th year anniversary! We went out for Italian to celebrate! YEAH! YEAH! YEAH!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Friday, June 11, 2010

God LISTENS to prayers!

The result finally came in! It is a benign tumor. The best thing is it is a very low grade benign tumor which always appears in kids. She may have it since childhood but just did not notice it. No further treatment is needed, except a follow-up check-up in the next 3-4 months. This is the best possible result we could ever get. "This is the day that the Lord had made, I will rejoice and be glad in it!"

I can't be anymore happier today, yet I am a little worried about myself now. I had the same tumor in my head that I discovered after I fainted from a serious anxiety attack. Well, it's been over almost 8 years and there is no other symptom that leads to any additional examination. I wish no stress or hormone change that will ever trigger my tumor.

Hallelujah! Amen!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I'm proud of U, my little friend!

We get to visit her at the hospital today after she moved to the regular ward. She has clear mind, able to talk, eat, drink, and go to the bathroom. Sometimes she talks funny because of the swelling in her brain, but she is definitely getting better. She is my hero...such a strong and brave girl. I'm so proud of her. God, please continue to take care of her and the family.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Praise the LORD!!

We waited, waited and waited all morning for a phone call or an email on her update. The surgery was finally over after 5 hours. It was longer than expected, but everything is fine with her. She is exhausted, in pain, but she's doing well. Praise the LORD! The surgeon was able to remove 100% of the tumor from her brain. She will stay overnight at the ICU, and will be moved to the regular ward tomorrow! God, thank you, thank you, thank you! We continue to pray for her recovery and the result on the tumor report.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

My best friend

It is one of my best friends' big day tomorrow. It's been over half year since we first found out that she has a brain tumor after she had a seizure. After numeral visits to the doctor, she has scheduled for a surgery to remove the tumor tomorrow. There is not much I can do, but to pray for her and her family. She is in good hands with the best surgeon in the best hospital, and God is with her as always. God, please listen to our prayers, and apply your healing power on our beloved friend.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Kiss Kiss


Thursday, June 3, 2010

18-weeks with 細細O



媽媽用了幾次頑皮地區(naughty corner)來罰小小雲。不知她是自律還是奀皮,有時她做錯事後,看看我有沒有反應,然後她說:罰!她便自己跑到頑皮地區站立不動。唉!這個奀皮妹,媽媽要想想辦法先得啦!