Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A peaceful moment in an afternoon

Haley is practicing her alphabet writing. She is proud to show me after she finishes each page.My sleeping charm!

Chester & Haley

Soon they are going to walk hand-in-hand

Monday, August 29, 2011

Haley's serving snack to a duck!

She even told little ducky not to come down until he finished. Guess she got that phrase from me!


Chester will kiss me on my lip when I ask for a kiss, but he starts to hit my face whenever I tried to record him kissing me. Guess he's one shy boy!

Check out Chester's postings

Who are you trying to scare this time?Chester is standing very steady.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Mommy is worth more than...

We try to talk Haley back into going to bed on her own. I told her couple months ago that if she is willing to try, mommy will reward her a cupcake the next day. She always said yes during our conversation in the afternoon, but she refused and demanded for mommy when the night came. Daddy tried to talk to Haley again tonight. I overheard their conversation while feeding Chester and it is hilarious.

Owen: 如果你試吓自己瞓,爸爸聽日獎...
Haley responded right away: 我唔要cupcake,我要媽咪!
Owen: 加豬肉乾?
Haley paused and said: 我要媽咪!
Owen: 再加玩iphone?
Haley thought much longer this time and still said: 我要媽咪!

At least I know mommy is worth more than cupcakes, pork jerky and iphone in Haley's mind. HAHA!

Thursday, August 18, 2011


苦悶 心極悶 永要我早歸家去
反叛 想玩玩 實在我喜愛夜半

Haley loves to go out. She enjoys going anywhere, everywhere. When it's time to leave one place to another, she always tells me, 媽咪,我唔返屋企! Guess I have to watch her very closely when she gets older. 激死!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Anniversary Dinner

Haley is so girly.Like mother, like daughter!

7th Wedding Anniversary - Sonoma

Being parents changes EVERYTHING! Before kids: We went to nice restaurants for romantic candlelit dinners. After kids: We grab fast food at whichever place has the best Kids' Meal toys.

Haley is reading a story to Chester

Haley tries to read a story to Chester. She even turned the book facing to Chester, just like how mommy read story to her. Little kids love to imitate.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Game Carnival @ Newark Library

Chester becomes a MONSTER

I conquered!!

Napping is a battle everyday between Haley and myself. I know she's tired, yet she uses her last fuel of energy to go strike and protest everyday. If we were in the car where she has to sit still, she will fall asleep easily. If she skips nap, she will be very cranky for the rest of the evening. I feel bad every time when I have to threaten her for her take nap. I think my temper over this issue is hurting our relationship, and I am trying hard to find a way to change myself. I did it! I did it without all the frustration, yelling, or mean warning in the last few days. Thanks to God for walking me through as I kept doing those "microwave prayer" to ask for His help. He helped me kept my cool. It's HARD but I conquered in the last few days!!! I wish I can continue but sometimes I refused to pray for help as venting my anger through yelling and mean warning is much easier instead of holding it within. For Haley and my own sake, I will ...I CAN...

Some research says children age 3 may begin to give up their afternoon nap. Haley is never a "sleep" child...guess I will just find her lots of activity to burn her energy, so she will go to bed early and have a good night of rest.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Chester 9-mo wellcheck

Weight 18lb 14 oz and Height 28 inches
Chester gained only 1 lb since 6-mo old?? I wonder why? He ate so much though... I was a bit disappointed, long as he's healthy...the percentile doesn't really matter.

Daddy introduces Transformer

Preschool registration - DONE

In addition to Ms. Liz' class, we enrolled Haley into another community preschool today. Since we are not the resident of this city, we don't have the priority. The registration office told me there's only 9 spots left after the first day of enrollment. I went early in the morning when it's open enrollment for non-residence. The office opens at 8 and I was there just 2 minutes passed 8, there was a line of 7-8 people in front of me. I was so nervous as I stood in line. I am so glad that Haley was able to get a spot in this class. She will be going to a new class every Tuesday and Thursday morning beginning in September.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Home Team @ BACBC

Since 2002, I walked in to BACBC for Sunday worship, it's been 9 years I am on & off coming in & out to this church without getting to know anyone. I'm never a shy person when coming to meet new friends, but I am very nervous and I have to admit that I have struggles to connect with friends in Christ. I tend to put a higher standard on Christians and expect them to be more noble in every ways. I am afraid that I will get disappointed when any problem occurs in the future. I have prayed about it and I have decided to step out of my box and would like to get fellowship with other brothers and sisters. God gave me strength and He spoke to me through a lesson from book of "The Purpose-Driven Life", and a sermon from Pastor Yue. God reminds me that it is easier to be high spiritually when nothing interfere you, but this spiritual state is not real and cannot stand to be tested. We may think we are mature spiritually when there's no challenge, but the real mature can only be revealed through relationship with others. Other than studying the bible, we need other Christians in our life. We need to learn from each other in order to grow stronger and faster.

Owen and I attended our first Home Team gathering last Sunday after worship. It is a group of people who are married with little kids like us. I feel uncomfortable a little bit because of my inner struggle, but I try to open up and speak to others to break the ice. It was not as hard as I expected, but I will give some time to adapt to the fellowship life again.

God, please make me UNDERSTAND and REMEMBER that Christian is just a normal human beings who will sin. Make me a Christian who will accept others' good AND bad, just as how others accept mine. Amen.

The Purpose-Driven Life

I've been reading this book to learn the five purposes that God's has for each of us:

"-We were planned for God’s pleasure, so your first purpose is to offer real worship.
-We were formed for God’s family, so your second purpose is to enjoy real fellowship.
-We were created to become like Christ, so your third purpose is to learn real discipleship.
-We were shaped for serving God, so your fourth purpose is to practice real ministry.
-We were made for a mission, so your fifth purpose is to live out real evangelism." (

Monday, August 1, 2011

Chester's day...

Chester on-the-go!Precious moment!Chester: Hi, Mommy!

Haley's other dance outfit

Haley loves to watch the videos that I recorded during her class time. She will point out which part she followed and which part she hadn't. She is pretty good as far as paying attention during class time, but she sure need more time to learn all the move. Haley is a pretty shy girl in public, hopefully learning to dance and interact with other students and teacher will help her open up.